South-West Western Australia - Atlas & Guide - HEMA
19,90 €
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IN ENGLISCHER SPRACHE !!! soft-cover. 16 x 23 cm. Published by : HEMA MAPS Pty Ltd, Australia.
Your guide to a compete South West WA experience. Explore the South West Corner of Australia with this book. Find out what makes this area one of the premier destinations for outdoor pursuits, then use the detailed maps in the back of the book to navigate your way around. Whether you enjoy camping, fishing, walking, 4WD, bird-watching, swimming with dolphins or just drinking wine while delighting in the Soth West's glorious wildflowers, this book shows you how.
Australien Shop Frankfurt
Berliner Strasse 33
D 60311 Frankfurt am Main
Hersteller:Hema Maps Pty LtdBrisbane Technology Park, Brandl Street 214113 Eight Mile PlainsQueenslandAustralia