Aboriginal Legends - Animal Tales by A.W.Reed

19,50 €
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Soft-cover. 13 x 20 cm. 152 pages. In ENGLISCHER SPRACHE !!!!

This is a unique collection of stories for those who are interested in learning more about this fascinating culture.

How did snakes become poisonous? Why are there blacks swans only in Australia? Learn about the powerful Rainbow Serpent, red and black flying foxes, the Eagle-hawk and the Medicine-man in these incredible tales of the Dreamtime. So much of traditional Aboriginal storytelling teaches us about the animal world and the spiritual bond shared between the Aboriginal people and nature.


Australien Shop Frankfurt

Berliner Strasse 33

D 60311 Frankfurt am Main

Hersteller:New Holland Publishers178 Fox Valley Road2076 WahroongaNew South WalesAustralia