The Ghan - The story of the Alice Springs Railway

22,95 €
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In Englischer Sprache !!!

Softcover. 13,5 x 21 cm. Author: Basil Fuller. Publisher: New Holland Publishing Pty, AUS.

This is the story of the men who challenged a continent and constructed therailway known as the Ghan, through country where explorer Charles Sturt found the heat so intense that the ink ofhis pendried before he could put itto paper. To write thehistory of the Ghan, Basil Fuller made the journey in a brake van from Port Augusta to the Alice, speaking with old-timers who remember those epic days.

Fascinating glimpsesofthe past - talesofitinerant doctors, cameleers, and navvies - are interwoen with a first-hand account of this vital train service that has become an Australian legend.


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