Lizards - A Wild Australia Guide

17,95 €
inkl. MwSt., zzgl. Versand
Auf Lager


Steve Parish Publishing , Australia. IN ENGLISCHER SPRACHE!!!!

96 pages. 13 x 20cm. Soft-cover.

Wild Australia Guides are must-have, ready reference books. Features stunning photographs and compact information for quick and easy identification. Each species profile provides essential information about identifying features, habitat, diet, distribution and breeding.

Chapters include : Lizard Behaviour, Geckoes, Legless Lizards, Dragons, Monitors, Skinks.


Australien Shop Frankfurt

Berliner Strasse 33

D 60311 Frankfurt am Main

Hersteller:Steve Parish PublishingNo longer existant!!!Firma ist in Konkurs gegangen 2016!!!!!!4076 BrisbaneQueeenslandAustralia