"Darrell Lea Liquorice Twists" - raspberry flavour

4,95 €
inkl. MwSt., zzgl. Versand
Auf Lager


Darrell Lea’s traditional soft eating liquorice is one of a kind and has been loved across the world for decades. With the growing number of people that adore our liquorice, the innovative team at Darrell Lea created a new range called the ‘Twists’. Our liquorice twists are made from the same soft eating liquorice you have always loved but are absolutely bursting with refreshing flavours and bright colours! It’s the liquorice your whole family will enjoy!

It’s everyone’s favourite Raspberry liquorice, now with a twist!
Preis per 100g = Euro 1,77
Inhalt: 280g
MHD: 29.01.2025 Himbeer Lakritze


Australien Shop Frankfurt

Berliner Strasse 33

D 60311 Frankfurt am Main