Australia The Journey - Steve Parish
39,95 €
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Hard-cover. 35 x 25 cm. 221 pages. IN ENGLISCHER SPRACHE !!!! Steve Parish Publishing Pty Ltd.
Steve Parish will take you on the trip of a lifetime through his beloved homeland, Australia. With several decades of exploration and photography behind him, Steve has assembled a book that gives insight into the natural and social fabric of this amazingly diverse continent. He divides the country into three broad climatic regions -
temperate, arid and tropical - and, in more than 400 photographs and dozens of essays, he shares his thoughts and feelings, and recounts some of his experiences. This is a very special book.
Australien Shop Frankfurt
Berliner Strasse 33
D 60311 Frankfurt am Main
Hersteller:Steve Parish PublishingNo longer existant!!!Firma ist in Konkurs gegangen 2016!!!!!!4076 BrisbaneQueeenslandAustralia